Tel: 01427 610761

+++ We are hiring within our Property Department and looking for cashier for holiday cover– please visit our opportunities page for more information +++

Other Useful Information

Professional indemnity insurance

We maintain professional indemnity insurance cover to meet the cost of any professional indemnity claim.  We review the policy, terms and level of cover annually and reserve the right to amend it at the time of each renewal, which is 1 October.

Our policy, which provides cover, subject to the terms of the policy, to a limit of £10,000,000.

Equality and diversity policy

Burton & Dyson has a duty to promote equality and diversity and to prevent discrimination and harassment. This applies towards our own team members, in relation to the services we offer and how we deal with third parties, including clients, other lawyers and barristers.

We welcome and value this duty and have put in place an equality and diversity policy for the benefit of staff, clients and other stakeholders, which is available on request.

Electronic communication

Our emails and any files transmitted with them are confidential and intended solely for the use by the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.

If you receive a transmission from us in error, please contact the sender or your system manager.

The views or opinions presented by the sender of any message are not necessarily those of Burton & Dyson Solicitors. The recipient should check all emails and any attachments for the presence of viruses. Burton & Dyson Solicitors accepts no liability for any damage caused by a virus transmitted by email.

For more information on our legal services, please contact us.