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Children at a local primary school have been taking the law into their own hands.

Children at a local primary school

Students at Morton Trentside Primary School have recently been busy preparing and submitting entries for a Writing Competition. The Competition organised by Burton & Dyson Solicitors involved children from every year group submitting a written piece of work for the competition. The children had the freedom to write about absolutely anything and in any format they wished but were encouraged to incorporate a ‘law’ theme into their work. Despite being optional for the Children to enter both the School and Burton & Dyson were overwhelmed by the number of entries received. Literacy Co-ordinator Kate Vaux said, “The competition has been a great way to give our pupils a purpose for writing and we are very grateful to Burton and Dyson for supporting our efforts to raise standards in writing throughout the school.”

The competition was held in conjunction with World Book Day on the 7th March 2014 when students from the school dressed as their favourite character from a book.

The competition winners were :

Reception Class Runner Up : Callum Staff

Reception Class Winner : Melody Jones

Year 1 Runner Up : Tudor Morris

Year 1 Winner : Darci Holtom

Year 2 Runners Up : Harrison Clarke and Jake Schweikhhardt

Year 2 Winner : Eve Wild

Year 3 Runner Up : Thomas Cutts

Year 3 Winner : Elise Rymer

Year 4 Runner Up : Georgia Liptrot

Year 4 Winner : Nathan Mcelroy

Year 5 Runners Up : Brody Bell and Jimmy Purdy

Year 5 Winner : Joshua Clarke

Year 6 Runner Up : Georgia Baines

Year 6 Winner : Georgia Smith

Winning entrants were presented with a Certificate and £10.00 book voucher by Partner at Burton & Dyson, Steven Hardy.

Governor at Morton Trentside School and Property Lawyer with Burton & Dyson Matthew Gleadell said ‘It has been nice to combine my work as a Governor and work as a Lawyer in a way that has benefited the Children. As Lawyers we rely heavily on our ability to write, and Burton & Dyson is proud to be able to support and encourage local children to enjoy writing. The standard of the entries was exceptional and very difficult to pick the winners.”